Collection: Nails

Nails are essential fastening tools consisting of slender metal spikes with flattened heads. These versatile construction elements are commonly hammered into wooden surfaces to securely join materials together. They can also function as hanging mechanisms when used as pegs or hooks for various household purposes.

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Nails are composed of three key elements: the head, the shank, and the point. They are manufactured in diverse dimensions, categories, and compositions.

Common Types of Nails

Common Nails - standard fasteners typically utilized in building and framework projects where weather exposure isn't a concern.
Duplex Nails - a double-headed fastener resembling a common nail, primarily used in temporary construction projects.
Finishing Nails - alternatively known as trim nails, these are specifically designed for trim and molding installation.
Box Nails - more slender than common nails, making them unsuitable for applications requiring significant strength.
Roofing Nails - feature a compact thick shank and broad circular heads designed for securing shingles or roofing materials.
Drywall Nails - characterized by slim shanks and broad heads, engineered to penetrate drywall and the underlying wooden structures.

This represents a selection of our most frequently purchased nail varieties. Should you require guidance in choosing the appropriate type, our customer service team is available to provide expert recommendations.